Total Remaining TokensRp 0.00
pppg81 has invited you to AirDrop Q! Win free tokens by doing a fun quiz and learning more about crypto!
Use this code: dEk1krPV
About AirDrop Q
AirDrop Q lets you take quizzes about exciting blockchain projects to win free tokens!
Terms of Service
After registering via the CoinView app, you can participate in AirDrop Q and win tokens according to the following Terms of Use.
- The campaign periods for AirDrop Q campaigns are subject to change without notice.
- AirDrop Q provides quizzes related to blockchain projects. If you answer all questions in a quiz correctly, you can win free tokens. There is no time limit and you can retry a quiz as many times as you like until you get all answers right.
- Since the value of the tokens distributed via AirDrop Q is converted in the market price before the start and is displayed in Japanese yen, it may differ from the value at the time of acquisition or remittance.
- There is no limit on the number of project quizzes that you can take with AirDrop Q. However, entries for particular projects will close when the tokens run out or the campaign period ends.
- The tokens you win will be temporarily stored in the CoinView app's token wallet. After the remittance function is implemented, remittance to your own ERC20 wallet will be possible. When the remittance function is executed, this clause will be updated.
- When introducing AirDrop Q to your friends, if they win tokens, you will be awarded tokens equivalent of 10% their winnings. Of course, they still keep 100% of their winnings. Both of you will receive tokens and be informed with details separately.
- If any kind of misconduct is discovered, we may take action such as resetting your token winnings or suspending your account. Furthermore, due to security reasons, we cannot provide details or respond to any correspondence regarding account suspension.
- All rights and authority concerning AirDrop Q are attributed to CoinJinja Co., Ltd.
- Changes to these Terms of Use may be made without notice.