Today, MDK is one of the largest Russian-speaking entertainment communities that unites more than 20 million young adults in major social networks, including VK, Twitter, Instagram, and Telegram. Throughout the 7 years in which we have been producing content, our focus has been on uniting creative people and connecting with our members. Our MDK Creative Agency acts as a bridge between the young generation and the world's largest companies. Clients of our agency include Burger King, KFC, Unilever, Reckitt Benckiser,, Gazprom Media, Alibaba Group.
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Platform | Ethereum |
Type | ERC20 |
Accepting | ETH |
Circulating Supply | N/A |
KYC | N/A |
Restricted Areas | N/A |
Homepage | Website URL |
White Paper | View/Download |
MDK has created a communication platform for the next generation. It is based on new decentralized principles where both economic value and governance are distributed among the network's stakeholders rather than concentrated in a single and centralized organization. We are investing in the future, where economic value is created by a community and distributed among all members to ensure that everyone is compensated for their efforts.