Veritaseum - Imagine Having the Keys to the Internet in 1994

Veritaseum is to be considered a gateway, or onramp to the P2P economy, akin to how a browser is used to access the World Wide Web, or a Bitcoin or Ethereum wallet is used to access those distributed ledger platforms.

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The story of Veritaseum dates back to the year 2013 when the prototype of the value trading platform was created and tested as operational. By the end of the year, the platform was already working on Blockchain technology and implementing small contracts between users.

Nowadays Veritaseum is a wallet interface facilitating smart contracts between users in a peer-to-peer manner. Whether you want to exchange currencies or make transactions, the process on Veritaseum is transparent and secured by the Bitcoin (and very soon, the Ethereum) Blockchain technology.

There is no commercial agent in your way, no broker, no bank, which will ask for gatekeeper fees. The block goes directly from one individual to another, safe and sound, and let the customers enjoy the unburdened services.

Two of the crucial advantages of Veritaseum – adapted Blockchain and close to zero margin – makes its product special and outstanding from what is offered right now on the market.


Reggie Middleton
Reggie Middleton
CEO, Founder
Patryk Dworznik
Patryk Dworznik
Lead Engineer
Manish Kapoor
Manish Kapoor
Lead Analyst