openANX - Real World Application of Decentralized Exchanges

ANX firmly believes decentralized exchanges will dominate the cryptocurrency market. We plan to lead the march toward this future through openANX, which will be fully open sourced, transparently governed, and kickstarted by ANX's technology, experience in operating an exchange, infrastructure, and wide network of users.

STO/ICO Status

Start Date
End Date
Amount Raised
8,754 ETH
Soft Cap
27,158 ETH
Token Supply
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Circulating SupplyN/A
Restricted AreasN/A
HomepageWebsite URL
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The openANX DAO

At the core of the openANX platform is the Decentralized Autonomous Organization, which is run by smart contracts. The governance model affects the way the DAO behaves, thus always staying in the best interest of all participants.

Risk Transparency

The ability to assess risk in a quantifiable way is unique to the openANX platform. Gateway tokens can be traded, creating a new dynamic and further increasing transparency.

Aggregated Order Books

Isolated order books from each asset gateway will be aggregated using the liquidity aggregation system provided by ANX. The end user will have access to a single, seamless order book.


openANX takes the strengths of both centralized and decentralized exchanges to create a new middle ground. Addressing the evolving needs of exchanges will attract many participants.

Asset Gateways

In the future, customers will be trading their assets through decentralized trustless exchanges. They will only interact with existing centralized exchanges for onboard and offboarding real world funds; but now the consumer will be protected with blockchain locked collateral and a real-world dispute resolution process.

Dispute Resolution

Disputes can be escalated beyond the asset gateway. An impartial dispute resolution mechanism exists through a third party.

Open ANX Foundation

The Foundation’s objective is to promote the real-world application of the openANX platform. It is a non-profit organization.

Team View All

Peter Smith
Peter Smith
Strategy Advisory
Lionello Lunesu
Lionello Lunesu
Technology Advisory
Henry Yu
Henry Yu
Legal Advisory
Ben Tai
Ben Tai
Strategy Advisory
Zane Tackett
Zane Tackett
Strategy Advisory
Ken Lo
Ken Lo