FinTab - The Accounting System for Cryptocurrency Portfolios
Currently there are lots of cryptocurrencies that can be of interest to investors, traders and funds. At the same time, not all currencies are necessarily on the same exchange, and their rates can vary significant- ly. All this leads to the problem of cryptocurrency portfolios accounting: there can be many different currencies on different exchanges in the portfolio and it becomes difficult to quickly obtain an assess- ment of the current financial state, the yield on a particular currency, and the whole portfolio.
STO/ICO Status
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Platform | Ethereum |
Type | ERC20 |
Accepting | Others |
Circulating Supply | 89.8% |
KYC | N/A |
Restricted Areas | N/A |
Homepage | Website URL |
White Paper | View/Download |
FinTab is a SaaS product with service fee charged. The cost for the service for the «Pro» and «Manage» accounts will be fixed in USD, but payment is accepted in FinTab tokens (FNT).
P2P interaction: traders could sell the information about their crypto-portfolio through our system. In addition the rating of best traders will be compiled.
Advertising platform: placement and display of advertising will be held decentralized: each user can enable or disable ads. For the ads view the user obtains tokens from the advertisers.
Analytical system and recommendations for trade using Artificial Intelligence.