MyTVchain - Web TV Platform Dedicated to Sports Clubs
MyTVchain’s mission is to help sport clubs generate more revenue from their content, build brand loyalty and accelerate growth in the development of sport club channels. We are building a new model where sport clubs and viewers transact directly on the blockchain, removing the need for intermediaries.
MyTVchain evolves around three main concepts (helping sport clubs finance their activities, giving back to them the value from their content and generating growth for sports clubs) which aim to change their revenue management to switch to a new era of value creation for sport communities.
19-02-28 ~ 19-06-26
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UTIX - Online E-Ticketing Platform
UTIX is an online, decentralised blockchain event hosting and e-ticketing platform. The UTIX protocol eliminates any possibility of counterfeit tickets being sold and also ensures that secondary pricing can be controlled as well. The smart contracts will facilitate transfers between the UTIX Reserve Fund (RF), the event organiser, the user, and the secondary ticket purchaser. UTIX allows the event organiser to enjoy all the benefits of using a blockchain system, without the complexities involved.
18-10-01 ~ 19-01-31
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Zimrii - Ecosystem of Digital Creative Assets
Zimrii is a music and film platform and global digital assets exchange.
It introduces a better way for music and film creators to realise more value from their creations, while deepening relationships with their existing fans and attracting new fans through innovative engagement mechanisms.
19-01-14 ~ 19-02-15
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IOU - True P2P E-Commerce Loyalty Platform
IOU reinvents existing loyalty systems in order to provide more flexibility, control, and many more benefits for Merchants in order to guarantee the highest possible level of consumer satisfaction for the incurred marketing expenditures.
IOU “loyalty system” allows business owners to create a new level of interaction with consumers and, most importantly, provides the opportunity for consumers to freely exchange their purchased IOUs with other consumers for other IOUs which are needed more for those trading parties.
Each Consumer truly would become the “agent” targeting other Consumers on P2P exchange seeking to trade their acquired IOUs with other Consumers based on the need and value at the time of the transaction. Such approach allows merchants to obtain a stable influx of new customers and truly loyal customers.
18-08-18 ~ 19-02-18
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Miracle Tele - Bringing Magic To The Telecom Industry
Miracle Tele is a fully operational mobile virtual network operator that offers high-quality international call and browsing services in 163 countries and uses the principles of collaborative economy on blockchain to provide its clients with biweekly token holder rewards.
18-10-15 ~ 19-10-15
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WOM - The Future of Marketing is Ad-free
WOM is building a blockchain-based Protocol that gives brands, content creators, publishers, and social networks a way to monetize word-of-mouth recommendations on any app or platform. WOM does this without any one central party exclusively profiting from the collective value created.
19-01-30 ~ 19-02-14
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Quizando - Revolutionise the Influencer World
Quizando is a state-of-the-art quiz delivery system that gives players the chance to win real cash for taking part in a variety of different trivia games.
19-02-01 ~ 19-03-01
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Brain Space - A Product of The Future
Platform "Brain Space" - your step on the international arena. “The creation of an infrastructure that will become a strong foundation for the intellectual property market in the world, as well as reduce the process of identifying and developing the potential of authors to the level of access to the international arena at times”: the Brain Space team works to solve this task, because without the accessible, convenient and understandable procedures for registration and recording of the results of intellectual activity, and without the necessary and understandable tool it is difficult to imagine the achievement of the goal indicated in the strategies of a multitude of institutions scientifically technological development of the cultural sphere.
18-11-19 ~ 19-10-03
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Qashback - Connecting Urban Consumers
QashBack is transforming the traditional retail and services industries by introducing the world's first decentralised reputation management and permission-based marketing platform powered by Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics and blockchain Smart Contracts.
18-12-10 ~ 19-01-04
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Viewo - An Incentivized And P2P Video Sharing Platform
Viewo is a video sharing network that operates on a blockchain-based rewards system. All participants in the Viewo network are rewarded for their actions, big or small. Rewards come in the form of VEO Tokens, a block- chain-based utility token that has value in both the Viewo network and outside the Viewo network. Unlike current video sharing websites that operate on a self-serving basis, Viewo operates on a user-based approach, rewarding each individual user for actions completed and giving incentives to both viewers and content creators.
18-11-10 ~ 19-12-11
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Infleum - Transparent Trading Structure
INFLEUM is executed by ELSOLCOM, a company that specializes in growing start-up’s and SMEs. ELSOLCOM, through its internal support and collaborative efforts, has established diverse references and clientele that are undergoing a large scale of qualitative and quantitative prosperity.
Henceforth, through the decentralized INFLEUM Platform, businesses will overcome regional/physical obstacles, and will be able to provide advertisement/marketing services specific to diverse clients needs.
By inducing active competition of services among INFLEUM users, there will be a boom in services of high quality and quantity with minimized costs, and eventually, the project will be able to reach economy of scale.
Therefore, the ecosystem will be bigger and its worth will multiply with user growth, simultaneously boosting the user profits.
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Hearo.fm - Music Streaming Micropayments
The JAM token is an ERC20 utility token for music that will be powered by the Hedera Hashgraph network. The token will be integrated with the hearo.fm platform to create tune.fm, a fully tokenized music economy for global decentralized cryptocurrency micropayments between artists and fans for streaming and curating music.
18-08-20 ~ 19-01-20
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Gofind XR - Decentralised Layer of Internet for XR Data
GXR is the utility token of GoFind platform that will be used to lease parts of the new XR Layer, receive rent/revenue share on transactions and advertisements on the new Internet of XR Web. Also users will have to buy GXR to be able to access the XR platform in full. In addition to the above, GXR will be use to reward both users, developers, creators, taggers etc for contributing to the development of the platform.
The decentralised XR layer is built on the ethereum blockchain technology and is an open source project for developers to build all sorts of applications in shopping, navigation, games, social media, and entertainment, etc., and everyone who gets involved in building the GoFind Ecosystem will definitely be rewarded according to their input.
At the moment, GoFind Network has already developed two MVP XR Apps - the XR Snap and Shop App and the XR Web 3.0 browser.
19-02-01 ~ 19-04-30
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Muzika - Transforming the Music World
Muzika is a music blockchain project, which has been built on an existing business and global music platforms with millions of users and fans across hundreds of nations, plus music artists from the globe, we aim at revolutionizing the digital music industry with the creation of a new digital music ecosystem. Muzika project is led by Forbes-awarded & Informatics Olympiad team members and endorsed by some of the most influential investors in South Korea and Asia. The token economy will be backed up by ever-growing population of community users and fans.
18-11-15 ~ 18-12-15
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Pibble - Blockchain based monetized image ecosystem.
The PIBBLE project is based on this popularity based "image". PIBBLE is a blockchain based cryptocurrency that collects image creators and consumers together and compensates for the activities they create, consume and enjoy. The "image” of the PIBBLE Project includes not only a picture or a stock image but also all images such as a cartoon, a character, an illustration, a graphic, an entertainers(singer, actor etc.) picture and video still. The biggest advantage about our token is that our service is already running and we have technologies, such as ContentsPro, that are functioning at the moment. Also, anyone can participate in the PIBBLE Ecosystem as image content creator or consumer. As the system is built on a global network, everyone can produce and use images without time or space limitations.
18-04-04 ~ 18-04-23
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SaTT - The Future of Advertising Transaction
SaTT tokens are tokens from a Ethereum smart contract, the tokens will be used for advertising transactions between advertisers and publishers.
18-05-01 ~ 19-03-31
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CBNT - Create Breaking News Together
CBNT is a decentralized professional content sharing community based on blockchain technology and an ecosystem model of DPGC (Decentralization Professional Generated Content). In the beginning, we will focus on blockchain and professional financial investment content. CBNT will create a win-win ecosystem for all participants, including content/articles providers, content readers (viewer), ad publishers, and token holders. In the CBNT community, whether you are content generators or content viewers, both sides can receive tokens “Mining Rewards”. As CBNT grows and traffic boosts, all the profit of numerous ads will also be distributed to all of the participants.
18-11-01 ~ 18-11-30
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Tourist Review - Transparent, Unbiased Traveling Ratings & Reviews
Tourist Review is a blockchain-based evaluation platform for lovers of travel and food. Smart contracts and cryptocurrency enable an ecosystem whereby all stakeholders benefit from participation.
18-10-28 ~ 18-11-11
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CAP COIN - Investment Market's Last Blue Ocean
The Capiket Group seeks to accelerate structural reform of the adult content industry to solve the issues that have historically plagued it.
18-10-24 ~ 18-12-31
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Contentos - The Decentralized Global Content Ecosystem
The vision of Contentos is to build a decentralized, global digital content community that allows content to be freely produced, distributed, rewarded and traded while protecting author rights.
Contentos will incentivize content creation and global diversity and return the rights and value of content to its users. It will be a public content protocol that not only carries content and advertising value but is also a memory chain recording each user’s contributions.
18-11-15 ~ 18-11-30
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